There is a proven process to the body work process. While each project might be slightly unique, there is still a general process to follow. Here are the key steps:
- On suspension
- Body fully assembled
- All weatherstrip/rubber in
- Adjust body panels
- Check all body panel adjustments and shapes with long lengths of aluminum flat stock or c-channel
- Finalize gaps in metal
- Metal prep
- Body work main large sections first
- Blend in the body work of smaller sections, like the front of fenders, etc
- Dial in all body lines
- Dial in all gaps
- Polyester prime (together)
- Block sand with 100, 220 & 400 (together)
- Take apart
- Finish jambs
- Paint
This is a very general guideline. Note that the body is almost always assembled, with weatherstrip, it is body worked together as one, it is primed together, sanded together. This produces a very distinct, refined look when it’s complete.